Friday, March 26, 2010

Rowan, my dog...

I haven't mentioned my dog on this blog yet. His name is Rowan, he is a Vizsla, and he is just a little over 5 months old. He has TONS of energy, and he seems to be pretty smart, but stubborn.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Religion and Politics

Everyone thinks their way is the only way. Most people will get into a very heated arguement and even get angry at a good friend if they have differing views.
My opinion? To each his own. If you want to see something in a certain way, then by all means... go for it. I might not agree with it, and I may let you know that. I might debate it a bit. One thing I won't do is attack you personally, treat you like you are ignorant, or get angry and spiteful towards you. I welcome differing opinions, it lets me see things from a point of view I may not have thought about and therefore makes me stronger on the subject. If you refuse to see things from another's point of view, you only limit yourself and you make yourself vulnerable to looking like you don't know what you are talking about. When it comes to these subjects, you don't want to look like you don't know what you are talking about.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I believe spring is officially here. I went out in the yard tonight and collected a couple dozen nightcrawlers, despite the help of my 5 month old puppy.
Went fishing on Saturday... didn't catch anything. The dog enjoyed it though, and I got a little target shooting in. Plus, I am very happy with the success of my stereo thus far. I made it late last year and have yet to charge it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A stereotype that movies don't mess up:

Do you work in an office building or school, or anything similar? If so, you probably have a maintenance man (or woman). Usually, movies or sitcoms cast this person as an unsightly person trapped in a time warp who takes their job entirely too seriously.
The typical maintenance Man is often seen wearing 22 year old leather boots (because they can be resoled one more time… they're good for another year at least), dirty blue jeans or polyester slacks (whatever the dress code at his company calls for), a belt that matches his boots with a spring snap key ring dangling off of it (the key ring holds countless keys, of which I'm guessing he uses a max of 5) and either a gas station style nametag shirt or hoodie (depending on the season). You can usually count on this man to have either mutton chops or a circa 1973 porn 'stache.
If you walk by this man, you may get the impression that he doesn't like you, or wants nothing to do with you. That feeling couldn't be further from the truth. He, in fact, is using his demeanor to impress you. In his world, if his job isn't done to a tee, lives are at stake and he wants everyone to see the undying determination in his eyes as he walks around the building a half step faster than anyone else (although it usually takes an eternity to finish a job that has been started).
I've noticed, that the typical maintenance woman is an entirely different creature. You know in some fairy tale stories when the princess kisses the frog and it turns into a prince? Now imagine a frog ACTUALLY turning into a person. Get my drift? If not, three words: Jaba the Hut. My experience with maintenance women has left me with the impression that they are usually either very friendly (wanting to talk your ear off about their grandkids) or they simply hate you. I have also been left feeling a bit jealous, always comparing their perfectly groomed facial hair to my own disheveled whiskers (yes, I'm still talking about the maintenance woman). They move at a significantly slower pace that the maintenance man. One major difference between the man and woman is their form of revenge. If you upset a maintenance man, don't count on your things getting fixed promptly. If you upset a maintenance woman, don't even tell her that something is messed up… not only will she not get to it timely, but she'll mess up 3 other things just to spite you.